Forui Assets is flutter library that provides a set of high-quality icons from Lucide.
Forui Assets is bundled with forui package. You don’t need to install it separately if you installed forui
From your Flutter project directory, run the following command to install Forui Assets.
flutter pub add forui_assets
The best way to find a list of icons is to visit the Lucide website. We periodically update the icons in the Forui Assets package. If you notice a missing icon in Forui Assets, please open an issue.
While you can use an icon from forui_assets
directly, it is recommended to wrap it in an FIcon to
automatically configure its color and size.
import 'package:forui/forui.dart';
// alternatively; if you've only installed forui_assets.
import 'package:forui_assets/forui_assets.dart';
// Dog icon as a Widget. It is recommended to wrap icons in FIcon if you're using Forui.
final dogIconWidget = FIcon(FAssets.icons.dog);
// Bird icon as a Widget.
final birdIconWidget = FAssets.icons.bird();
// White cat icon with a size of 24x24.
final catIconWidget = FAssets.icons.cat(
width: 24,
height: 24,
colorFilter: const ColorFilter.mode(Color(0xFFFFFFFF), BlendMode.srcIn),
// Saving an icon to a variable for later use.
final rabbitSvgAsset = FAssets.icons.rabbit;
final rabbitIconWidget = rabbitSvgAsset();