Select Menu Tile
A tile that, when triggered, displays a list of options for the user to pick from.
For desktop, a select group is generally recommended over this.
groupController: FMultiSelectGroupController(), // or FRadioSelectGroupController()
menuAnchor: Alignment.bottomLeft,
tileAnchor: Alignment.bottomLeft,
shift: FPortalFollowerShift.flip,
hideOnTapOutside: FHidePopoverRegion.excludeTarget,
directionPadding: true,
autoHide: false,
scrollController: ScrollController(),
cacheExtent: 100,
maxHeight: 200,
dragStartBehavior: DragStartBehavior.start,
physics: const ClampingScrollPhysics(),
divider: FTileDivider.indented,
label: const Text('Sidebar'),
description: const Text('Select the items you want to display in the sidebar.'),
errorBuilder: (context, error) => Text(error),
prefixIcon: FIcon(FAssets.icons.bell),
title: Text('Notifications'),
subtitle: Text('subtitle'),
details: Text('All'),
suffixIcon: FIcon(FAssets.icons.chevronsUpDown),
menuTiles: [
title: const Text('1'),
value: Value.something,
groupController: FMultiSelectGroupController(), // or FRadioSelectGroupController()
menuAnchor: Alignment.bottomLeft,
tileAnchor: Alignment.bottomLeft,
shift: FPortalFollowerShift.flip,
hideOnTapOutside: true,
directionPadding: true,
autoHide: false,
scrollController: ScrollController(),
cacheExtent: 100,
maxHeight: 200,
dragStartBehavior: DragStartBehavior.start,
physics: const ClampingScrollPhysics(),
divider: FTileDivider.indented,
label: const Text('Sidebar'),
description: const Text('Select the items you want to display in the sidebar.'),
errorBuilder: (context, error) => Text(error),
prefixIcon: FIcon(FAssets.icons.bell),
title: Text('Notifications'),
subtitle: Text('subtitle'),
details: Text('All'),
suffixIcon: FIcon(FAssets.icons.chevronsUpDown),
menuTileBuilder: (context, index) => index < 10 ? FSelectTile(
label: Text('Tile $index'),
value: Value.something,
) : null,
count: 100,